
Bed Bug Lawyers Jurupa Valley

Bed bugs have the ability to spread in many locations if given the chance, regardless of the state or city. Once they spread, they’re also often difficult to eliminate, especially if negligence allows them to spread. Oftentimes, negligence is a direct cause of infestations as landlords, hotel employees, or other professionals fail to do what they need to do to properly mitigate infestations.

If you believe that another individual or entity’s negligence caused a bed bug infestation and subsequent damages in a home, hotel room, apartment, or another location, you may be able to get help from a knowledgeable attorney. Our lawyers can handle many types of cases that occur in and around Jurupa Valley and other cities throughout California and the rest of the U.S., depending on the circumstances.

How Infestations Develop in Jurupa Valley, California

If another party’s negligence contributes to a bed bug infestation in a home, apartment, hotel room, or another location, along with bites and other related damages, victims may be able to build a viable bed bug case.

Bed bugs can spread in any location as long as they have access to food in the form of blood meals through people. Regardless of an area’s cleanliness, bed bugs can infest the space if they have ample food available to them.

Negligence and Bed Bug Infestations in Jurupa Valley

Bed bugs can travel both quickly and easily to locations as they search for new food sources. As a result, many residents and visitors in Jurupa Valley are vulnerable to bed bug infestations if areas aren’t properly maintained. This puts them at risk of bites and other related damages.

Hotels are particularly vulnerable to bed bug infestations because of the number of guests who stay at hotels on a regular basis. Additionally, many hotel employees never receive the training required to help them identify and mitigate bed bug infestations, which further enables these pests to spread. If untrained employees do become aware of an infestation, they may not know how to properly handle it and prevent future infestations. This is why hotel management should always have a training program in place that meets industry guidelines.

If hotel staff, management, business owners, or other negligent individuals or entities enable bed bug infestations to develop along with subsequent damages, they may need to compensate victims in the form of payment.

How to Identify Bed Bugs in Jurupa Valley

Do you believe a bed bug infestation has developed and want to prove that negligence was the cause? You can identify an infestation in several ways and collect sufficient evidence to support a claim.

The most prevalent sign of bed bugs is their bite. Unlike other insect bites, these bites tend to be in a line or cluster that consists of multiple itchy, red bites. They may also ooze and swell if individuals are allergic to these bites, potentially leading to a secondary infection if left untreated.

Other possible indicators of a bed bug infestation include adult light or dark brown bed bugs, white eggs in the shape of pills, shedding, red or brown fecal spots, or black spots in a cluster that may indicate a nest.

As you look for signs of an infestation, look in as many potential hiding spots as possible. Bed bugs may hide under beds, in bedding, beneath nearby furniture, and in other areas that are dark and dry. You can then capture video footage and take photos that may serve as evidence later.

Potentially Recoverable Damages in Jurupa Valley Bed Bug Cases

If a bed bug infestation leads victims to suffer from bites and other damages, victims may be able to get help from a knowledgable bed bug attorney if they believe negligence was the cause. Our knowledgeable and experienced attorneys can handle certain types of cases that take place in or near Jurupa Valley to seek compensation.

Depending on the specific nature of your case, you may be able to recover either economic or non-economic damages. Economic damages in these cases could include medical expenses, lost income, and the cost of replacing bedding and other belongings. Meanwhile, non-economic damages may include pain and suffering, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, social isolation, or insomnia.

To find out whether you have a claim that our attorneys can handle, schedule a free consultation with our legal team today.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. This firm handles claims nationwide on a pre-litigation basis. Some attorneys are not licensed to practice in certain jurisdictions. Although most bed bug cases resolve without a lawsuit, should one need to be filed in a jurisdiction the firm is not authorized to practice, our lawyers work with local counsel upon the execution of a new agreement.

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